Books and Items
Health Through Balance: Dr. Yeshe Dhonden-Introduction toTibetan Medicine by the former physician to H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama.   1984 Picture of Dr.Yeshe Dhonden and some friends visiting with us $14.95
B121 Healing From the Source: The Science and Lore Of Tibetan Medicine: Based on a series of lectures Dr. Dhonden gave to a group of health professionals at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco during the planning stages of a breast cancer study. Dr. Dhonden explains the holistic medical view of health and disease, referringto traditional Tibetan medical sources as well as his own experiences- including cases of cancer and AIDS. $16.95
B301 Tibetan Medicinal Plants:T.J.Tsarong- First book of its kind published in English. 96 color photos of Tibetan medicinal plants with their native and botanical names. Information on plant taste , potency, action, and use-directly translated from ancient medical tetxs such as the rGyud-bZhi and the Shel-gong Shelpreng-providing an invaluable insight into a selection of medicinal herbs that have played a vital role in the healthcare of Tibetans for so many centures. Never before identified specimens, 132 pages. The author is the manufacturer of  ourNirvana, Karma Kakola and Relaxense incenses. $29.95



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